This weekend was very productive for wedding stuff!!
For Valentine's day I asked that my gift be spending the day doing wedding stuff and I got it!!
Since we were late making reservations we had a romatinc lunch at BoneFish and then went on to register at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Let me tell you, it is hard to register when you have lived together for 4 years and pretty much have everything!! Guess we'll get some upgrades. Then we picked out tuxes, went to a movie and then got our passport pictures taken...and were home by like 6:30 pm!! Pretty Amazing huh!
After we got home I put together the new bench, hanging thing and tables!! I will post some pics of the house now that is it almost DONE!! we are still waiting on the carpet but that's about it!!
Today I met with the caterer at the reception site so she could see what she thought of the grounds and where we would put all of the tents. She made me feel a lot better and thought there was plenty of room!! Thank God!! I gave her a deposit so another thing checked off the list!!